Embrace the Monday blah fest

Got over the Monday blahs and loving my Tuesday. I think the best thing is to just let the Monday blahs happen. Who’s with me here? I can hear all the inspirationalists (my word) whispering ‘she really needs to project positivity’. Nice. If you want nice then you are not letting the Monday blahs take their natural course.

Why are Monday blahs important?

1. Because they help other people see your human, vulnerable side (this only applies to those of us that are superstars in whatever it is we are a part of).

2. Your mind and body both feel crappy and are not fighting with each other —–> mental stability

3. You are not pretending to have a fabulous return to work day….so….you are viewed as a trustworthy person. I’m totally SURE there’s a stat somewhere to prove this.;)

4. People are more likely to give you stuff like candy, free coffee (this really works for me like all the time). Sometimes people try to take this as an opp to hug you…ummm sneeze, cough, pull a strand of your hair out and look at it weird. If you like hugs from random people then just enjoy it!

5. Because the only way your week should go after the downer of the blahs is up, up and up past the Wednesday hump and up to Friday junior (aka Thursday) and then to Friday when you can smell the weekend…..

I had a fabulous Tuesday because it wasn’t Monday and because I did the right thing: I let Monday suck. Did you?

One thought on “Embrace the Monday blah fest

  1. Hahaha! No, I totally did NOT let Monday suck 😀.
    Seriously, I’m one of the few wierdos who feel energized and ready for work Monday! My problem is with mid-week slump aka Wednedsay aka “call in sick day”!!


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